
Painting Cabinets? Why We Love Lacquer

Painting Cabinets with Lacquer, why we love lacquer, blog

Okay, so you decided your kitchen needs a facelift, you’ve done some research and professional painters like us are telling you that painting cabinets with lacquer is going to be your best bet.  Originally you wanted a full remodel . . .  You thought your Uncle Gene said that he left you some “fracking land”, but […]

“Gadzooks, My Cabinets are Orange!!” – Updating Cabinets, Part 1

Updating Cabinets, cabinets are orange, blog

Seemingly all at once, everyone’s cabinets are outdated.   One day, everyone woke up, took a good look at their golden oak cabinets while brewing their morning coffee, and said to themselves, “Argh!!… they’re orange!”  Or  you realize that those “whitewashed” pickled oak cabinets are… pale pink.  Suddenly you find yourself staring at a massive design […]